They help us breathe. 5. Although the ideal place for all animals is in the wild, zoos are becoming a less stressful place for animals to reside, places where respect and dignity are key; animals are living longer in captivity than in the wild, which is important as habitats are diminished and extinction is a threat. Now more than ever, it is essential to teach kids about the importance of wildlife conservation. "Tame, wild animal" is also acceptable. So, being prepared and practising protocols is an important part of everyday operational duties for all zoos. Hunters don’t just kill and eat the overpopulated animals but also they run, they suffer, track, wait, learn behaviors, etc. They make you feel important. Advantages of Animal Use Disadvantages of Animal Use Animal research can benefit both humans and animals. 3. It is important to save animals from extinction and human predators who like to hunt them for their personal gains. Most zoos today have become ex situ breeding centers for several species that would otherwise be greatly threatened with extinction in the wild. Posted at 19:17h in Articles by univ In the wake of the untimely and unwelcome death of Harambe the gorilla, there has been much speculation and concern about the broader context of animal rights, and the value of human life versus that of animals. An ecosystem is a community of animals, plants and microbes that sustain themselves in the same area or environment by performing the activities of living, feeding, reproducing and interacting. The Reason Why Wildlife Conservation Is Important Wildlife conservation refers to the well-planned practice of ensuring protection for wild animal species , their habitats, and plants. Every animal on this planet serves a purpose. Animal welfare is important because there are so many animals around the world suffering from being used for entertainment, food, medicine, fashion, scientific advancement, and as exotic pets. The wild animals tend to be closer to the wetlands, particularly the water loving species such as the hippopotamus, waterbuck, common warthog, elephant, crocodile, sitatunga as well as water birds such as flamingoes and ducks. First of all, help us spread the word about why they’re important! Animals play an extremely important part in the lives of humans. 2. In hopes of shedding more light on what forests do for us, and how little we can afford to lose them, here are 21 reasons why forests are so important: 1. Background. 1. For more information or interview requests please contact Wild Welfare on It is a relationship that exists between all the components of an environment. These incidents have often raised questions about the practice of having wild animals as pets. Save Animals. Hence, viable populations in captivity are also important as ultimate reservoirs of genetic and demographic material for reinforcement or re-establishment of wild populations as need and opportunity occur. Large wildflower meadows of UK native species are the best thing for supporting insects and animals, however it is clearly unrealistic to create these in urban areas! 4. Wild animals play an important role in balancing our ecosystem and stabilizing natural processes. Animals affect everyone’s life, their presence is vital. Share this page with your friends and followers. Thus, the loss of any species can affect us directly or indirectly. They are a companion. Every species of wildlife plays a role to maintain the balance of life on Earth. Moreover, animal exploitation harms terribly many animals, but the number ... others about how and why nonhuman animals should be respected. Clearly people as a whole don’t see wild animals as important except as an asset to exploit for financial gain which is why the planet is going through the 6th mass extinction. Every plant and animal has a role, or sometimes many roles, that they play to allow for the smooth functioning of a healthy ecosystem. Why is animal welfare important? Exotic animals are not necessarily harder to care for than domestic ones. But they do more than that. Developing and nurturing an appreciation of nature in our kids is a fundamental element that safeguards the safety of our wildlife and […] The relief map of Tanzania. Reasons Why We Should Protect Wild Animals. All wild animals are important because they do something that helps both them and us. ~ENDS~ Notes to Editors. The most important reason for saving wild animals is that they are part of our ecosystem. “Protecting rhinos in the wild can be very challenging and uncertain. Behaviors can also be important in reducing illness, pain, fear, stress, or tension. However, instances of a pet chimp attacking its owner or a big cat mauling its keeper are not rare. This is to make sure that the animals are gare not just important, they are vital! Many people place "domesticated" animals in the suitable pet category, and "exotic" or so-called wild animals in the "bad pet" category. They are genetically distinct from their wild … The ever expanding global, human population and accompanying activity is pushing wild animals off the planet. Animals are Important Essay Sample. They, like us, have families, endure struggles, feel pain, experience joy, and even play with one another. Animals living with and raised by humans that are not domesticated should simply be referred to as non-domesticated animals. These are captive groups of animals that could in a worst case scenario assist in reintroduction to the wild, should the original population go extinct. Gardens are Important. Let us consider species to be like a brick in the foundation of a building. We now realise that it is important to maintain the planet's biodiversity, that it is the richness (variety) of animal and plant life, its abundance and wild habitats that keeps us all healthy and happy. Importance of animals ranges from companionship to food source and it varies by person. Wild animals are a different story. Why We Must Protect Endangered Animals Sociopolitical actions undertaken to preserve endangered species and their natural habitats often conflict with human economic interests. Domesticated animals are animals that have been selectively bred and genetically adapted over generations to live alongside humans. They're so cute. Our desire to own unusual animals as pets often leads us to bring wild animals home. In fact, our lives would not be possible without animals and plants. Let us weigh the pros and cons of this trend, which seems to be on the rise. Animals are one of God’s greatest masterpieces. 20 Jul Why are humans more important than animals? Some people may ask "why bother with conservation?" Our wild animals and plants have been losing their natural homes over the years, as woodlands, hedgerows, fields, marshes and ponds have been destroyed to make way for roads, houses, factories etc. Unfortunately, today kids are constantly engaged in gaming or television and have a minimal connection to nature. The unique way of getting physical and practical life exercise. Ranging far and wide across the world, from the Ambroseli National Park in Kenya to the Pacific Northwest, he shows us why it is important to acknowledge consciousness in animals and … There are indeed reasons why ecosystems naturally work the way that they do, with all of their intricacies that include plants, animals, and other living things like insects, fungi, and bacteria. Why is fundraising so important for the animals? They make up flora and fauna that are essential for our food, clothes, clean water, soil and oxygen. Animals are an important part of the food cycle, and humans depend on them for a wide range of requirements. This makes zoos vital to the conservation of zoo animals and wildlife. Wild animals are animals that were born and raised in natural conditions. 6. The Amur leopard, for example: There are perhaps 35-65 left in the wild, a species teetering right on the brink. Is it Important to Save Animals from Extinction? That is the reason why they see hunting as a sport. Human life has become supreme to all else with no respect left for nature. Each individual required during hunting to set up, camp, survive in difficult condition. In the table are examples of both sides of this debate. Wild Welfare is a global organisation committed to improving animal welfare for captive wild animals. shouldn’t view the problems wild animals face as any less urgent than we view the problems of exploited animals. Pick your favourite fact and share it with a stranger. Animals help in allowing people to be more loving because of the compassion animals give to them. Animals make humans more compassionate, positive individuals who are happier in general. There are over a million acres of private gardens in Britain, not to mention the acres of land belonging to schools. There are many species capable of making tools, sharing innovations, and having complex thoughts and emotions. Simply put, because we can’t afford to lose sight of the need for research for them, too. They love you as much as you love them. Wild animals have their own inherent value, their own reasons for existing. If possible, animals will remove themselves from a fear-producing stimulus by fleeing or seeking cover (or will sometimes attempt to escape detection or injury by becoming immobile). Why Do Scientists Study Animals? The beauty of each of those animals after all the thousands of years on this planet is still not appreciated by humans as we slaughter and trap them for the benefit of a trophy or a fur coat. They are a friend. It includes plants, animals, fish and micro -organisms, including soil, water and people. Scientists and others have many reasons for why it can be both good and bad to use animals for research. Wild animal = Animal that lives in the wild or is un-socialized (can be domesticated) 2. And below we provide more details for each side. Every animal deserves to have a good life …
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