The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travel Card (ABTC) provides business people faster and easier entry to economies of the Asia-Pacific region. The ABTC scheme seeks to facilitate travel in the APEC region. APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) provides business people streamlined entry to participating economies through a simple pre-clearance system that allows them, through a single application, to obtain a multiple short-term entry to participating APEC economies. Business travellers applying for a new APEC Business Travel Card from September 1 2015 will find ... APEC cards now easier to get. Мы расскажем, как оформить карту АТЭС (АРЕС business travel card) по себестоимости! Question 2 – Which APEC economies participate in the ATBC scheme? Expand all Collapse all. Mr. [last name] holds a Hong Kong permanent identity card and a U.S. passport. 三、什麼是apec商務旅行卡計劃? 答:亞太經合組織(APEC)成立後,為加強內部合作,促進商務人員自由流動,菲律賓、韓國和澳大利亞於 1996年11月菲律賓APEC首腦峰會上發起APEC商務旅行卡計劃(APEC BUSINESS TRAVEL CARD SCHEME),倡議加入計劃的經濟體相互為其商務人員提供多邊長期簽證和快速 … ABTC members get faster border clearance en route to participating APEC countries. 總公司地址:台灣台北市114內湖區石潭路151號. 2,944 likes. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. The APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) scheme facilitates short-term business travel within the APEC economies by streamlining the entry process at ports of entry within the region. The APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) is a card issued to business travellers and senior government officials who meet certain requirements. Regulatory Agency Website 2017. Что такое карта АТЭС (АРЕС business travel card)? APEC manages the ABTC program, which it refers to as the ABTC scheme. The Canadian pilot was launched on June 16, 2014. The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travel Card (ABTC) facilitates short-term business travel within the APEC region by streamlining the entry process into APEC economies. A list of the member economies which have approved your travel will be displayed. 一、亞太經濟合作商務旅行卡簡介 亞太經濟合作(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)所發行的商務旅行卡 (APEC Business Travel Card,簡稱ABTC) ,是供商務人士所持用,能夠在會員體間通關入出境的一種許可證(entry permit)。 以取代入境簽證,持卡人得憑有效護照享有五年效期、多次入境每次停留最長三個月之 … The scheme lowers travel costs between APEC economies by 38 percent for cardholders and businesses … (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation - APEC Business Traveling Card) APEC-ABTC application service for Malaysian. Expatriate . 亚太经合组织(APEC)成立后,为加强区域内经济合作,促进商务人员自由流动,菲律宾、韩国、澳大利亚于1996年11月在菲律宾APEC领导人非正式会议上发起APEC商务旅行卡计划(APEC Business Travel Card Scheme, ABTC),倡议加入计划的经济 It would be of immense help to Mr. [last name] if an APEC Business Travel Card is issued to him so that he could enjoy streamlined immigration clearance during his hectic and often tight travel schedules. Date of Updated : 22nd September 2020. 亞太商務旅行卡(APEC Business Travel Card, ABTC) 背景簡介 為了減少領域內貿易投資上的阻力,提供商務人員移動便捷化之協助,APEC依據1995年大阪行動方針(OAA)之商務相關人員移動問題,設立了「商務人士移動專家小組會議」(IEGBM),以做為促進商務人員來往便捷化之協商場合。 Benefits of APEC card: You can enter and stay in (for a period of up to 60 or 90 days, depending on the economy) without separately applying for a visa. APEC cards are valid for five years from the date the card is issued to you. The APEC business travel card, or ABTC for short, is an APEC-run program permitting simplified APEC-related business travel. Your clearance will still be valid for five years. APEC Business Travel Card Application Form. Benefits. It’s never been such a vital opportunity as what we are holding of the 2020 iLINC Carnival amid the COVID-19 pandemic. APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) 1. For further information about the Virtual ABTC for Australian applicants and cardholders, see the Virtual APEC Business Travel Card (VABTC) . apec商务旅行卡:包括投资政策咨询、护照申办、投资手续办理和投资移民入籍申请.中国籍持卡人持有效卡可以入境其他16个经济体(澳大利亚、新西兰、日本、韩国、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾、文莱、智利、印度尼西亚、墨西哥、秘鲁、巴布亚新几内亚、俄罗斯、越南)直接持护照免签进入. The APEC Business Travel Card is your visa (in participating countries); Your APEC Business Travel Card is valid for 3 years. The APEC Business Travel Card provides its cardholders with streamlined travel processes between participating APEC countries. 5. Approved applicants are issued a card that functions as the entry authority to fully participating economies. The ‘apply once, information used for multiple purposes’ approach is used which means that applicants are only required to make on application for permission to enter participating economies. There are currently 21 economies participating in the ABTC scheme. It has three years validity, or until your passport ends, whichever comes first. The ABTC scheme is designed to facilitate the movement of business travellers between Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies. 2. APEC Cards to be valid for five years. 3. Cardholders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travel Card (ABTC) can use fast-track lines when travelling to participating APEC countries. List of Regulatory Agencies and Contactable Telephone Numbers. Economy of Application:* Application Number:** Passport Number: * Please enter the economy to which you applied for your card. The APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) is a multiple journey visa that grants cardholders the privilege of visa-free entry and expedited immigration clearance through designated ABTC lanes in participating Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies.. 代表人:王文傑 統一編號:04655091 APEC Business Travel cardholders will be granted a visitor visa when they arrive in New Zealand, provided they have clearance from their home economy and … The U.S. APEC Business Travel Card Program (ABTC) is a voluntary program to facilitate travel for U.S. citizens engaged in verified business in the APEC region and U.S. government officials engaged in APEC business.. To apply, you must visit the Trusted Traveler Program Website (TTP). Узнать подробнее . You have access to fast-track entry and exit lanes at airports of participating countries. For APEC business travellers from countries other than Canada and the USA, Canada and the USA provide expedited lanes, but under existing Canadian or American immigration programs. Please provide the details below to check the status of your application for an APEC Business Travel Card. Карта АТЭС – лучшая альтернатива деловой визе. APEC Travel Business Card. Держателю карты не нужно получать дел� Participating Economies. APEC商务旅行卡(APEC Business Travel Card)简称旅行卡或ABTC),计划系亚太经合组织工商理事会(ABAC)于1996年向APEC领导人会议提出的一项重要建议,该计划旨在便利APEC范围内各经济体的商务人员往来。 APEC商务旅行卡持卡人凭有效护照和旅行卡在五年内无须办理入境签证,可自由往来于已批 … APEC Business Travel Card. apec卡 其實就是多國簽證的簽證卡 他一次申辦需要4~6個月 其實感覺也很方便來著 國家有以下幾個: 目前共有澳大利亞、智利、韓國、印尼、馬來西亞、紐西蘭、菲律賓、汶萊、秘魯、泰國、香港、中國大陸、日本、新加坡、巴布亞紐幾內亞、越南、墨西哥、俄羅斯及我國共19個會員體。 Overview The information on this page is a guide for Singapore citizens who wish to apply for an APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC). Back to top. Physical cards will no longer be issued to Australian applicants and cardholders after this date. Students and teachers around the globe, let’s gather in APEC Cyber Academy as a community and celebrate the joy of international collaborative learning for 10 weeks ahead! It's now easier to get an APEC card to streamline your business travel around Asia, with the Fede... Govt clamps down on APEC cards . Main Services. Card Status Check. 旅遊產品由 雄獅旅行社股份有限公司 提供. The ABTC is a multiple-journey visa that enables expedited immigration … APEC - Business Traveling Card. 4. Nineteen APEC economies are fully participating … However, if the passport you provided with your application expires before this date, the expiry date listed on your card will match the expiry date of your passport. Also known as the ABTC scheme, bona fide businesspersons and senior government officials from APEC member nations can apply for APEC business travel cards, making routine short-term travel to and from these nations quicker, easier, and less bureaucratically red-taped.
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